Saturday, 9 August 2008

Getting Started

Probably the first thing we all want to do is learn a song all the way through or at least to the point where a friend could recognise what you're trying to play!

If like me, as a beginner, you'll be frustrated by beginner guitar books trying to teach you to play

Achy-Breaky Heart or such-like.
There are plenty of websites around with tab(link to my own glossary) transcriptions - meaning you don't need to be able to read music at all - for pretty much any song you wish to learn.

The quality of these tabs is mixed and it's difficult as a beginner to know which songs are best to learn as a novice.

To my simpistic mind there's basically two types of song where the guitar is concerned:

1) Strumming type songs
2) Finger picking type songs
.......and it's probably worth trying one of each early on.

I've transcribed some tab for Wonderwall (a strumming type song) and also....... in a step by step way.

If you need an explanation of how to read tab features a good explanation.

It's good to have a couple of songs on the go to be developing whilst also looking to get to grips with a real fundamental - learning to play by ear.

Being able to play a piece of music from just listening to it seems like the holy grail, unimaginable to the novice who just wants to be able to play Wonderwall all the way through but it is achievable. affiliates

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