Sunday, 12 October 2008

Top Tips - Fretting Hand Positions

Playing with a good technique from the outset will help you develop good habits and get the best possible sound from your guitar, encouraging you to practice even harder.

Here's my top 3 tips for better hand positioning:

1. When both playing chords or singles notes, always try and keep your fretting hand as close to the fretwires as possible, as illustrated below:

This technique has a number of benefits. First of all, it minimise the unpleasant "fretbuzz" sounds that can occur. Fingering at the edge of the fret also reduces the pressure required, meaning you're able to play with a lighter and more fluent touch.

2. Always try to keep all fingers on your fretting hands close to the fretboard ready to leap into action should they be required. This minimises the time it takes to change to the next note or chord.

3. Unless you are playing some kind of bar chord, you should always use the absolute tips of your fingers. This will produce a cleaner sound than using the fleshy pads of your fingers.

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